Thanks for asking!
Personally, I am interested in nowcasting the public's level of trust - in institutions and each other. The purpose of the funds I am requesting here is to spur others to propose their own nowcasting projects. I hope to receive a wide variety of proposals, and I will choose those with the most (subjectively) interesting questions.
If you fund this project, you can be sure of transparency and standardization. All of the projects will have the same, simple format: daily, five-item surveys delivered to a random sample of American adults. Every one of the projects will immediately and automatically publish analysis, analysis code and the raw data daily to the open web.
Prolific Academic. I investigated MTurk, Google Surveys, and providers like Qualtrics panels; Prolific currently offers the best quality/price in the space. Others' evaluation is in agreement: Eyal, P., David, R., Andrew, G., Zak, E., & Ekaterina, D. (2021). Data quality of platforms and panels for online behavioral research. Behavior Research Methods , 1 – 20.