Hi again, @guenael ! Thank you so much again for helping us, and for sparking us to think through this.
The total amount LIC is trying to raise is $90,000. This is to cover the costs for one year's worth of contract attorney assistance for all of the lawsuits LIC works on over the course of the year, including lawsuits in development and existing lawsuits. We hope to be working on approximately 5 lawsuits over the course of this year, including our Case Farms appeal (https://www.legalimpactforchickens.org/case-farms) and other suits. We estimate that our entire budget for 2024 will be about $806,000. That includes operations costs, paying our staff litigators, etc. The $90,000 for contract attorneys is about 11% of that. Therefore, if we receive $90,000 from Manifund, then the Manifund investors will deserve credit for 11% of LIC's work in 2024. Since we expect to work on about five lawsuits over the course of the year, Manifund investors could get credit for 11% of 5 lawsuits. 11% X 5 is about half.
Therefore, we estimate that, if we raise the whole $90,000 through Manifund, then Manifund investors, as a whole, can have credit for about half of one lawsuit that LIC works on in 2024.
As for which lawsuit Manifund investors should get credit for half of: If we're allowed to set the terms, we'd like to say that the Manifund investors would get credit for half of whichever LIC lawsuit is most successful! But if we're not allowed to set the rules like that, maybe it would make most logical sense to just say that Manifund investors get credit for 11% of each of the approximately five cases LIC works on in 2024.
WDYT? Does this answer make sense? Am I missing something?
This impact market stuff is all new to us!